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Welcome to my playground

New features

Alrighty then... Aparently nobody noticed the chat (yet) or nobody cared :D
So now I made it a porn-color...hahah
It is right at the bottom of the page, and you only need to fill in your nickname to start.
It's not only a chat but also works as a guestbook as it remembers the last 10 messages

I've also added a PacMan clone I made for my daughters over a weekend, it's not very fancy coded
but it gets the job done. also it shows how you can use the new HTML5 elements for audio.

Be sure to check the source code for all the web-apps here if your into that, there's a lot of easy reusable code
that you are free to use where you want, as long as you dont take credit for my part ;)


Hi, I'm Thomas.
This site is dedicated to promote my skills to anyone who could use them.
Furthermore I plan to provide guides, tutorials and code samples for people who want to learn programming.
So please check back every now and then.

Thank you for your visit!
Regards, Thomas.
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